Bed Bugs Closeup

Bed Bugs:

The Eco Green SM Exterminator Bed Bug Elimination Protocol is a safe and effective way to eliminate bed bugs while protecting your health! The Eco Green SM Exterminator Bed Bug Elimination Protocol has been selected by World Hospitality Services, Inc. to eliminate bed bugs in all hotel and lodging establishments enrolled in their Bed Bug Planet SM Bed Bug prevention and elimination program. Before you stay in another hotel or lodging establishment, visit to check for reports of bed bugs and to learn how to avoid being bitten by bed bugs.

The Eco Green SM Exterminator Pest Management Protocol is extremely effective against all pests. You can be assured that whatever pest you are dealing with, an Eco Green SM Exterminator Licensed Service Provider will eliminate ALL of your pests safely, economically and effectively.

Bed bugs have become a major problem in the United States. Due to the fact that they are spreading so rapidly, we have chosen to provide this section to target them specifically.

Bed bugs are an extremely tough pest to kill because of their ability to resist conventional synthetic pesticides. Over the past several years Bed Bugs have developed a high degree of immunity to the pesticides that are considered safe to be used indoors around humans. Desperate people have used more deadly chemicals and pesticides to try to kill them. The World Health Organization has attributed the deaths of several tourists to hotel rooms being sprayed with lethal chemicals in attempts to kill resistant bed bugs. (Read News Story)

A New Jersey company was fined $860,000 for treating bed bugs with toxic unapproved chemicals making 50 homes uninhabitable. See Full Story Here

Because Bed Bugs are so resistant to chemicals today most pest control companies will tell you upfront that it will take several spray applications to deal with your bed bug problem. Do you really want to keep spraying synthetic chemicals in your house repeatedly? Some companies are spraying so much chemicals in the affected rooms that they cannot be inhabited for several days. Do you really want to depend on the chemical dissipating to a level that is supposedly safe before you return?

The Eco Green SM Exterminator Pest Management Protocol excludes the use of any chemicals or sprays to eliminate the bed bugs. Don't believe all the hype, there is no spray that has been proven effective for bed bug elimination that is safe for indoor use around humans.

Eco Green SM Exterminator Licensed Service Providers offer Thermal Bed Bug Treatment. The process of Thermal Bed Bug Treatment involves heating the infested areas to a temperature exceeding 115 degrees Fahrenheit and maintaining that temperature for more than 2 hours. This gives the heat time to penetrate mattresses, sofa cushions, cracks, crevices, etc. Eco Green SM Exterminator Thermal Bed Bug Treatments are backed by a 30 day guarantee. If you have a re-infestation within 30 days after your treatment, your Eco Green SM Exterminator Licensed Service Provider will retreat the area at no cost to you.

It is very important that you do not reintroduce the bed bugs by bringing them in from other places like your friend's homes, your work, a hotel or even from your children's school. If you have a bed bug infestation, they probably hitch hiked into your area from one of the locations mentioned above. You will have to be very diligent not to bring them in again. Many people inadvertently reintroduce the bed bugs.

Since there are no chemicals used, the Eco Green SM Exterminator Thermal Bed Bug Treatment Protocol is truly the best option for your health. The Technicians arrive in the morning and usually by mid-afternoon the treatment is complete. Thermal Bed Bug Treatment is truly the safest and most environmentally friendly way to get rid of bed bugs. It is also the only treatment protocol that kills all stages of adult bugs, nymphs and eggs in one treatment.

Please allow your Local Eco Green SM Exterminator Licensed Protocol Provider to give you a free quote today and let them help you get some peaceful rest!

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